Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rosie and Buttercup

Author: Chieri Uegaki
Illustrator: Stephane Jorisch
Title: Rosie and Buttercup
Genre: Children’s picture book
Sub genre: sharing
Theme: sisterhood, jealousy
Primary and secondary characters: Rosie, Buttercup, sitter
Date: 2008
Publisher Company: Kids Can Press Ltd.
Brief summary on how to use for students:  This book can be used with girl students or any student who gets jealous of their younger sister. It shows how much she cares for her sister.
Summary: Rosie has everything she ever wanted except for her rowdy younger sister Buttercup. Frustrated with her sister, she comes up with a plan to sell her sister. She sells Buttercup to her sitter down the street. Excited with her new freedom, after time she realizes how much she loves and misses her sister. Luckily the sitter sells Buttercup back to Rosie and they play happily together.

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