Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Author: Jon Agee
Illustrator: Jon Agee
Title: Terrific
Genre: Children’s picture book
Sub genre: adventure
Theme: friendship, adventure, sarcasm
Primary and secondary characters: Eugene, Parrot
Date: 2005
Publisher Company: Scholastic Inc.
Brief summary on how to use for students:  This book can be used with older students who are learning about sarcasm. You can also use this book for younger children in learning about adventure.
Summary: Eugene is a grumpy old man who wins an all expense trip to Bermuda. Nothing seems to go right for Eugene as he gets shipwrecked and meets a parrot on the island. Being discouraged about everything, the parrot saves him by explaining how to build a boat. Making it out alive, Parrot bonds with Eugene and everything is terrific now that parrot is with him.

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