Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Everybody Makes Mistakes

Author: Christine Kole Maclean
Illustrator: C.B. Decker
Title: Everybody Makes Mistakes
Genre: Children’s picture book
Sub genre: family life, errors
Theme: fiction
Primary and secondary characters: Jackson, Cammy, Mom, Dad
Date: 2005
Publisher Company: Dutton Children’s Book
Brief summary on how to use for students:  The students will be able to use this book because it shows that everyone makes mistakes. Even though the student can make mistakes, as long as you work on them and try to fix things it can be okay.
Summary: Jackson gets told by his mom that he is in big trouble and makes a huge mistake. Jackson then explains to his mom how everyone else also makes mistakes. Jackson played beauty shop with his younger sister after playing all of the games that he wanted to play. Cammy has gum stuck in her hair as ponytails and permanent marker on her face and nails for makeup. Their mother told Jackson that after their uncles wedding, he would be grounded until he was 18. At the wedding he meets his new aunt and she says that she has a feeling that she will like him, and he believes the same thing.

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