Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Author: Louis Sachar
Title: Holes
Genre: Young adult novel
Sub genre:
Theme: juvenile Fiction
Primary and secondary characters: Stanley, Zero/ Hector Zeroni, Ms Walker,Mr. Pedanski
Date: 1998
Award: Newberry Medal
Publisher Company: Scholastic Inc.
Brief summary on how to use for students:  The students will be able to use this book by knowing that despite the odds, as long as you know in your heart what you are doing is right, you must persevere in succeeding. You should achieve what you are striving for, especially if it is for the sake of your family and friends.
Summary: Stanley Yelnats was sent to Camp Green Lake which held all of the juvenile delinquents in order to build character. The care takers were extremely mean and the whole time they had to dig holes as their punishment. He and the other delinquents realize that they were just there to dig holes to find buried treasure. After confiding and teaching his friend zero to read he remembered the curse that was put on his great grandfather. They find the treasure and at the end the suitcase was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Stanley and Zero became the inheritors and Stanley broke the long curse while Zero was able to find his long lost mother.

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