Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Place to Grow

Author: Soyung Pak
Illustrator: Marcelino Truong
Title: A Place to Grow
Genre: Children’s picture book
Sub genre: immigration
Theme: fiction
Primary and secondary characters: Father, Daughter
Date: 2002
Publisher Company: Scholastic Press Inc.
Brief summary on how to use for students:  This book can be used in order to show immigration. Students will be able to read this and relate if any of their parents have immigrated to the United States or also if they have immigrated from another country.
Summary: A daughter is helping her father garden their yard and he explains that a family is like a seed. The seed needs a good and safe place to grow and live. He also explains that the seed is able to travel anywhere they desire whether it be a hop away or long and hard journey.

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